Year 2 in operation
"Support That Matters"
Our 2nd Anniversary event turn out was modest, but our results were bold. We supported our local Vets by renting out our home town's Legion Hall. We had a DJ, casual food, soft drinks, low cost cash bar, and a great door prize raffle with prizes worth $100 and up. We met brand new supporters along with our regular Knightss, and our 50/50 winner won over $500!
$1,000 in charitable support
We raised enough money to invest into Merchandise, pay for all expenses, and provide $1,000 in support!
$500 in shcolarship
$500 went to William Gomez: as our scholarship runner up. William's story of family, friends and desire to continue his education was a stand out. William is seeking a career in the music business.
$500 early loss
$500 went to early loss: as we always disclose, early loss is not handled the same by every family, so we move carefully and compassionately. Privacy and timing is important with this sensitive matter. We have found a variety of ways to support those affected, and are part of our cause we work consistantly to support
Video Show Presentation
Some or all of this video, at times, may be blocked. Not sure why, we pay for all our music. You can get a copy by calling 201-841-3419
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