Morris Hills Memorial
First Annual Alumni Reunion Inspired by Ray Irvine
Ray's Story
This is a story of a friend who left us way too soon. This is a story that happens too often to many people everywhere, but until it happens to your dear friend, you don't know how saddening a story it really is. Ray was taken suddenly. He was as happy and healthy as the pictures you see here. We were told Ray was taken by a brain aneurysm, but Ray's story isn't about how he left. Ray's story is about the sudden loss of a great friend and person.
This is not just Ray's story
It's everyone's story who has ever lost a loved one way too early. Ray's story represents the harsh reality that any day could be your last. Ray's story is symbolic of all the great souls who have been taken too soon and too sudden. Ray's will request was to have no service. He just wanted all who cared for him to get together on his behalf, and that's just what we did!
Ray was one of a group of childhood friends. Friendships as deep as kindergarten. His death at only 52 was so shocking, his group literally didn't believe it. If you knew Ray, you wouldn't put it passed him to make this a big joke. Get to know Ray here. One of his friends, after the desperate realization of this being all too real, wrote this letter to Ray.
Ray here with his mother. She left us 4 years after Ray
The Inspiration
Due to Ray's unexpected death, it felt as if he was stolen, then lost. So, the theme of this event is to bring Ray back home. Back to where he started. Back to where an unbreakable bond with some best friends began. A friendship dynamic that is very common among many in our local community. We thought it would be even better if we extended this coming home event out to our local community, and do it Morris Hills High School Style! We've noticed lately, too many stolen and lost classmates. Why not memorialize them as well, in one big reunion every year in honor of beloved classmates.
Ray loved his dog Velvet
$4,000 Scholarship Raised
OUR WINNER, RILEY KOHLER: Is from Rockaway Borough, and was awarded a $4,000 scholarship to County College of Morris. She is seeking an education in nursing. Her touching and transparent essay of life, school and her relationship with her late mom was proof of what a staggering impressive person she is.
Video Show Presentation
Some or all of this video, at times, may be blocked. Not sure why, we pay for all our music. You can get a copy by calling 201-841-3419

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